
Bag House Protection

Bag House Protection


This Midwest Coke & Battery Plant was having problems with erosion and corrosion in their bag houses, causing small holes that constantly needed welding.

They were looking for an alternative to replacement and selected Unconventional Solutions for long-term protection and lower their life cost to do the job.




USI recommended the entire structure be water blasted to get rid of any salts or excessive corrosion. The small holes were repaired with RESIMETAL 106XF, our 100% solid metal filled polymer repair system.

The entire structure was then coated with two 20 mil coats of Resichem 501. Resichem 501 is a 100% solid, surface tolerant, corrosion protection system. It was selected due to the inability to sandblast the surface and the lower operating temperature.

Over 11 years later, the customer wrote: “This product (Resichem 501) was used in our P.E.C. bag house after repairs were made to the sheet metal. Corners and welds were patched with RESIMETAL 106XF, another great product. After more than 1 ½ years of service we have seen no wear and the corners and welds have needed no return maintenance. This was a real problem in the past, much time was spent making the repairs. Good Stuff.” – Ken Wrase


Resichem 501


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