
University Stair Rebuild

University Stair Rebuild

The Problem

This stairway serves as a main access route for many students. For safety reasons, this stairway needed to be repaired and coated for protection.

The client wanted the project done in 30 days, with minimal damage to the surrounding foliage and minimal noise due to the location next to a hospital. 

The Substrate 


The Solution

The surface was cleaned and abraded before the application of the primer included with 576.

The damaged areas on the sides of the stairway were then rebuilt with Resichem 571 Concrete Repair LW.

The other damaged areas were repaired with Resichem 576 Quartz Screed which is a three component, solvent-free heavy duty epoxy repair mortar.

The entire surface of the concrete stairway was then primed with Resichem 503 SPEP followed by one coat of USI High Build Epoxy Floor Coating.

USI LD Granular Aggregate was back-rolled into the coating to provide superior slip resistance.

The stairs were no longer a safety hazard, and the client was extremely satisfied with the quick and easy results. 

Products Used

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