The Problem
This Detroit utility steam tunnel can reach 220°F with constant humidity. Because of the harsh environment, they have been coating the railings on a weekly basis with a competing product.
They were looking for something that would last longer than a week or two costing a great deal of time and money. These tunnels see constant humidity and high heat which increases the corrosion rate by over 50% when compared to ambient temperatures. We presented them with an option that they were very excited to try.
The Substrate
The Solution
We first prepped the railings with a wire brush to remove all loose debris, previous coatings and rust. We then brushed RESICHEM 501 CRSG onto the existing steel surface.
RESICHEM 501 CRSG can be used with manually applied applications with 100% humidity. It has been tested to 10,000 hours of salt fog and has been successful in many other applications throughout the Midwest and Great Lakes regions.
This can provide a 15–25-year coating in the extremely harsh environments. The customer is very pleased and looking forward to the extra time they will have now that they don’t have to do weekly maintenance.