
Compressor Station Trench Repair

Compressor Station Trench Repair

The Challenge

A great lakes utility company had drainage trenches in an auxiliary building that were exhibiting advanced concrete erosion.  Boilers and air compressor condensation drainage continually drips onto bare concrete, leading to significant wear in less than 4 years of service. The client was looking for an economical, long-lasting solution to keep the water contained without further damage. The USI team was on the case!

The Solution

The trenches and sump wells were drained and dried out. The installers used a wire wheel to remove scale and loose debris from the concrete surface.

Oily patches were cleaned with USI Universal Cleaner, and Peat Sorb hydrocarbon absorbent.

The pitted and eroded areas were built up with Resichem 570XF and Resichem 571LW to create smooth surfaces. Duromar DF1303 was applied to prime and seal the repaired areas and bare concrete.

The job was finished off with 2 coats of Duromar HPL1110 in 2 colors. A darker color (black) was applied first as the base coat, then a light gray topcoat.


This not only created a long-lasting erosion and chemical barrier, but also an easy visual to see when the top layer of coating is wearing away and needs to be re-applied. The job was completed in a few days and the client is happily up and running again.


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