
Airport Taxi Way

Airport Taxi Way

The Problem

The airport was suffering from the continual breakdown and chipping of the arris edges of the concrete slab on the taxiway where they are jointed.  This was a continual problem due to the compressive forces of the aircraft nose wheels and the added problem of extreme weather cycle exposure.  Extensive areas needed repair and being one of the busiest airports in the world, the timescale was limited.

The Substrate


repaired airport taxiway

The Solution

Trials using RESICHEM 570 Concrete Patch Repair XF were carried out in the summer and monitored throughout the winter. The surfaces were prepared with scabblers to leave a good edge prior to the application of RESICHEM 570 Concrete Patch Repair XF.

The areas for repair were only available for 7 hours throughout the night and all repairs had to be cured to a compressive strength of 20 N/mm. This was achieved by keeping the unmixed product warm prior to application and adding heat to the repaired areas to speed up the cure time. The repairs proved a complete success with the regular flow of aircrafts using the taxiway the following morning.

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