
Air Handler/Cooling Pan Repair

Air Handler/Cooling Pan Repair

The Challenge

A Michigan Heavy Equipment Dealer was dealing standing water that was causing significant corrosion and metal loss to a cooling pad on an older air handler. Continued neglect could have lead to a trip, slip or fall hazard, as well as environmental concerns with mold, mildew or even harmful bacteria build up.

The USI team was called in for a thorough needs analysis and a custom, long lasting solution to repair, protect and upgrade what was currently in place.

The Solution

The USI Teams custom system solution used Maxon CRS (Corrosion Retardant Solution), Resimetal 101 Metal Repair Paste and Duromar 1110 High Performance Lining.

The area was prepared by power tool grinding and wire brushing to SSPC-SP2/SSPC-SP 3.  Maxon CRS was applied first to create an ionic bond with the metal and provide a surface coating to encapsulate the existing corrosion and protect against further deterioration.  Next, Resimetal 101 Metal Repair Paste was used to re-build voids in the current surface.  Lastly, Duromar 1110 High Performance Lining was applied for extra corrosion resistance during future use.

The client was very pleased with the custom system solution to repair, protect and upgrade their equipment, without expensive replacement.

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