
National Check the State of your Chillers Day (aka Groundhog Day)

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National Check the State of your Chillers Day (aka Groundhog Day)

February 2, 2024

February 2nd is what we here at Unconventional Solutions call “Check the state of your Chillers Day” but most of the rest of us call it Groundhog Day.

If there is one thing that we and Punxsutawney Phil can agree on its that when you turn your chillers on you want them to work. Unfortunately corrosion often has other plans and unlike our groundhog friend it also doesn’t hibernate during the winter.

The beginning of February is a great time to start assessing your chillers and getting a repair plan in place before spring hits.

Unconventional Solutions offers free repair – protect and upgrade assessments.

Let us know some dates that might work as well as the scope of the walkthrough.




February 2, 2024