
Leading Edge July 2021 Oil & Gas Pipeline

Leading Edge July 2021 Oil & Gas Pipeline

The PHMSA Gas Mega Rule

Part 1 contains changes to the regulations for gas transmission lines and new requirements for the verification of pipeline materials. This part of the rule aims to improve safety with transportation and operation of onshore gas transmission pipelines.

Part 2 of the Gas Mega Rule contains new repair requirements for High Consequence Areas (HCAs) and non-HCAs. The rule  also states operators must inspect pipelines within 72 hours of extreme weather events and  natural disasters, such as  hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and landslides.

Part 3 of the PHMSA Gas Mega rule focuses on issues related to gas gathering lines and includes new requirements for emergencies that provide PHMSA with the authority to issue emergency orders. This will more easily allow PHMSA to address imminent hazards that could impact the industry, such as unsafe conditions or faulty components used on a pipe.

Project: UV Protected Pipeline for Under a Bridge

A gas owner of a pipeline wanted to use a UV stable coating on their FBE pipeline which was being place under a bridge of a major expressway  that sees over a million cars a day.

The FBE pipeline was exposed to
public and sunlight so they chose
Coretec EcoSheild 386 in grey to help blend it in with the bridge and prevent UV degradation at the same time.

One of USI NACE CIP Coating inspectors was on site to give technical advice and support. When on site there was supposed to be a NACE 4 (Brush-Off Blast) prep and when they got there the contractor was performing NACE 2 (Near-White Metal Blast). The first thing that needed to be done was a Fed 49 approved pipeline coating had to be applied back on the pipeline and jeeped for  holidays.

After that was cured we went back to prep the pipeline with the NACE 4 (Brush-Off Blast). Then the crew perform SSPC-SP 1 (degrease and clean with Xylene). The UV stable coating was  applied the pipeline at 4-5mils. Return to service happened the next morning. EcoSheild 386 coating comes in different colors & clear. Clear is the ideal choice to
keep FBE verifiable and traceable.

If you have FBE pipeline sitting out in a yard for a period of time this UV protective coating comes in clear to help prevent degradation.

USI Dates To Remember!

  • Our offices will be closed on July 5th, in observation of July 4th
  • Central NACE Aug 4-6th
  • KGA Aug 24 &25
  • Purdue Underground Corrosion Aug 31st-Sept 2nd

Denso Case Study on Bore Wrap

Along with HDD or  Directional  Bores uses Undue  Caution

Denso Bore-Wrap® being applied over Denso Protal 7200™.

As is common practice these days, a road crossing for a new 18″ pipeline was being installed by means of Horizontal  Directional Drill (HDD). The HDD was approximately 1000′ long and was installed beneath a major road in the Houston Metropolitan  area.

Denso Bore-Wrap® protecting the underlying coating after bearing failure.

Using an abundance of caution during installation for HDDs, the pipeline operator specified that the weld joints be protected by a fiber reinforced ARO coating  system.

The first weld joint after exiting the bore hole.

The contractor was using Denso Protal 7200 as the anti-corrosion coating on the field joint and as such chose to use the complimentary product also made by Denso and selected Bore-Wrap from the available options.


MBX® Bristle Blaster simplifies the surface preparation operation and reduces expense through the elimination of expensive equipment, media, and extensive environmental and safety measures.

MBX® Bristle Blaster removes what you want without removing healthy material. It generates anchor profiles ranging from 2.5 to 3.3mil on steel, weld seams, edges, around bolts, and on surface irregularities.

It restores corroded and pitted  surfaces to near white metal or white metal appearance and does so quickly!

Product for Surface Preparation:

Need a 2 to 4 mil anchor profile but cannot sandblast because of environmental concerns, skilled labor issues or cost? Just MBX it.

Ideal to use with 3M 323+ on smaller  diameter 8- and 6-inch pipe designed for regulated pipeline. Call us to order or for  more information or a free demonstration.

We have an Unconventional Solution for YOU!


NW Indiana Branch

SW Ohio Branch – Jason

Account Manager – Jerry
cell 315-283-3906

Account Manager – Dustin


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